1-3 july 2022 – Tribute to Nanni Balestrini
OPENING 1st JULY 6.30 p.m.
1st july – 30th october 2022
Casa Morra. Archivi d’Arte Contemporanea
Salita San Raffaele 20/c, Naples
A project by Andrea Cortellessa and Giuseppe Morra
Curated by Maria Teresa Carbone, Andrea Cortellessa and Ada Tosatti
10.00 a.m.
Presentation of the Sonora project of the University of Naples «Federico II» with the participation of Giancarlo Alfano, Giuseppe Andrea Liberti, Valentina Panarella, and Stefania Zuliani.
“What singles out the voice from the vast ocean of sounds and noise”, wrote Mladen Dolar, is its “inner relationship with meaning”. Indeed, the voice is inside meaning (sense) because it is “sensuous”, sonorous, corporeal. At the same time, the voice is inside meaning because it is “acousmatic”, that is, disembodied. Hovering between body and ghost, the voice becomes poetry in working on presence (the setting for the performance), fetish (the recording of the poet’s “real voice”), and sonification (the acoustic manipulation of the recordings).
12.00 p.m.
Piano performance by Andrea Riccio.
7.00 p.m.
Discussion starting from Nanni Balestrini millepiani (curated by Sergio Bianchi, DeriveApprodi 2022) led by Gian Paolo Renello with the participation of Franco Berardi Bifo, Giairo Daghini, Maurizio Ferraris, Renato Parascandolo, and Franca Rovigatti.
8.o0 p.m.
Readings by Andrea Inglese, Eugenio Lucrezi, Giovanna Marmo, and Franca Rovigatti.
8.30 p.m.
Performance Questioni di tagli. Così come si agisce in concreto. Tessiture di suoni e voci per Nanni by Luigi Cinque and Giovanni Fontana.
How it is done in practice. Textures of sounds and voices for Nanni.
Electroacoustic concert for voices, speech, singing, modulator, SFX effects, woodwinds, electronic sax, loops & drums.
by Luigi Cinque and Giovanni Fontana
Mille Nanni: a thousand stances in relation to the word and a thousand forms of the word.
Weights, measures, complex and flexible space-time dimensions, constantly evolving dynamics. Body-word, gesture-word, gaze-word, action-word, field-word, footprint-word, automaton-word, machine-word, image-word, event-word, sound-word, object-word, in phono-symbolic pictures and mirrors of verbal ideograms to compose performative paradigms and perspectives for performance on stage or in film through intermedial projections.
Given the challenge posed by the structural dynamics of Balestrini’s complexity, Luigi Cinque and Giovanni Fontana dwell on the concept of the ‘cut’ and its technical peculiarities, organizing a performative fabric where the verbal dimension is resolved into sounds and rhythms, letting phono-semantic concepts emerge like tips of icebergs and releasing vocal and musical epiphanies in unforeseeable directions. Luigi Cinque’s multi-instrumental textures are entwined in a rhythmic weave that, at times, reveals in a digital dimension phonetic polyharmonies within which Nanni Balestrini’s own voice may also be heard, while sustaining the poetic sonorities of Giovanni Fontana. The vocal aspect rests on the writing, and the music credits everything in an acoustic puzzle concretely characterized by the electrophonic mask of the body.
- Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 2022 Photo Amedeo Benestante Courtesy Fondazione Morra
- Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 2022 Photo Amedeo Benestante Courtesy Fondazione Morra
- Andrea Riccio, …per Nanni…, Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 2022 Photo Amedeo Benestante Courtesy Fondazione Morra
- Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 2022 Photo Amedeo Benestante Courtesy Fondazione Morra
- Giovanni Fontana and Luigi Cinque, Questioni di tagli, Mille Nanni, Casa Morra, Naples, 2022 Photo Amedeo Benestante Courtesy Fondazione Morra