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Notte D’Arte – Gruppo 63/50 anni: i poeti leggono i poeti
14 December 2013-16:00/20 December 2013-22:00

December 14th – December 20th, 2013
OPENING DECEMBER 14th h. 4:00 p.m.
Museo Hermann Nitsch
Vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/d, Napoli
the Fondazione Morra presents Gruppo 63/50 anni: i poeti leggono i poeti, an event dedicated to the sperimental and visual poetry of Gruppo 63. The showing of artists’ film, curated by Giuseppe Morra and Tommaso Ottonieri, will follow it.
In the 1963 poets, writers, reviewers, academics and musicians and also visual artists met in Palermo, Sicily, animated by rejection of cultural world of their historical contest, moved by desire to experiment new expression forms, against and distant from common language scheme. The intention of Gruppo 63, the name of artists’ group, was to create a new “territory” with new words, new forms, new sounds, to abandon a narrow – minded past, made by compromises, egoism, ignorance and suppression, and to produce a new idea of world with new energies.
All along, Naples as a capital city protagonist of the artistic avant-garde, celebrates the anniversary of Gruppo 63 to seal the international manifestations about it, with this event organized by Fondazione Morra during Notte D’Arte. The event bases his concept on the connection between word and moving picture: some poets that belong to Gruppo 63 (like N. Balestrini) and younger but linked to it will read poetries and some visual artists – filmmakers will use the picture show to impress their broken up visions. It is important to remember that in 1967 in Naples gave birth to the experience of Cooperativa Cinema Indipendente because of Gruppo 63’s innovations.
The event will conclude will a debate, in which speakers will be artists and theorists founders of the movement. In the end Lino Guanciale, a talented actor, will act a monologue (1963) written by G. Manganelli, an unclassifiable author, member of that unique artistic season.
04:00 pm: Showing Film d’artista: a partire dal Gruppo 63, curated by Paolo Bertetto, picture shows of G. Baruchello, A. Grifi, U. Nespolo, A. Leonardi, M. Schifano, L.M. Patella, T. De Bernardi. Mario Franco will introduce the showing’s sequence.
06:15 pm: Introduction-debate on the Gruppo 63 – L’antologia edited by Nanni Balestrini and Alfredo Giuliani. Critica e teoria edited by Renato Barilli and Angelo Guglielmi, ed. Bompiani, Il romanzo sperimentale: Palermo 1965/Gruppo 63 edited by Nanni Balestrini, follow up Col senno di poi edited by Andrea Cortellessa, ed. L’Orma – Fuori Formato; special insert for the 50 years of Gruppo 63 in Alfabeta2 (November – Dicember).
Participants: Nanni Balestrini, Andrea Cortellessa, Angelo Gugliemi, Mario Franco, Tommaso Ottonieri, Andrea Viliani.
07:45 pm: I poeti leggono i poeti. Reading and homage of Mariano Baino, Bruno Galluccio, Giovanna Marmo, Tommaso Ottonieri, Gilda Policastro, Gian Paolo Renello, Federico Sanguineti, with Nanni Balestrini (texts by N. Balestrini, C. Costa, A. Giuliani, G. Niccolai, E. Pagliarani, A. Porta, A. Rosselli, E. Sanguineti, A. Spatola, P. Vicinelli).
09:30 pm: Iperipotesi of Giorgio Manganelli: interpreted by Lino Guanciale.
10:00 pm: Showing Film d’artista: a partire dal gruppo 63:
Gianfranco Baruchello, Alberto Grifi, Verifica incerta (1964, 30’)
Alfredo Leonardi, Living and Glorious (1965, 21’)
Ugo Nespolo, La galante avventura del cavaliere dal lieto volto (1966-67, 9’)
Ugo Nespolo, Buongiorno Michelangelo (1969, 11’)
Mario Schifano, Reflex (1964, 8’)
Mario Schifano, Vietnam (1967, 3’)
Alberto Grifi, Dodici ore No stop (1967, extract 15’)
Luca Maria Patella, Terra animata (1967, 7’)
Tonino De Bernardi, A Patrizia: l’irrealtà ideale, l’oggetto d’amore (1970, extract 12’)
The Show will continue with the following integration: Baruchello, Tre lettere a Raymond Roussel (1969, 28’), L.M. Patella, SKPM2 (1968, 23’), Vedo, Vado! (1969, 15’), T. De Bernardi, Il mostro verde (1967, 28’) and the entire projection of A Patrizia (1970, 59’)